Monday, June 06, 2005

Earlier tonight I poemed

Continuing in the vein of Americans who have begun to turn nouns into verbs (task -> tasked), earlier tonight, I poemed. For the first time in awhile. LaBosseuse (she-who-made-me-get-a-blog) told me I had to put this up here. I feel it is wayyyy too trendy and high-schooler of me to be posting my own poetry on my own blog...also Suzanne did not make me get a blog. She says she did, but she didn't. I got a blog solely for the reason articulated in the first post. But she likes to think that she helps me out with my life. She keeps saying things like "I wish we could find a nice girl out here for you" (out here = California, as opposed to the lovely East Coast where I live). Like God isn't doing a good enough job finding me one yet. But I love her for it, because she almost was a nice girl out there for me, so it's nice that she's participating. She left me for a Mac user.

Tonight we were talking about girls that may or may not be available to me and I mentioned that one who might have been available had become unavailable, and she said "Oh that leaves us with just *name edited for my protection*" I balked at this, unwilling to perceive my dating possibilities as an ever-dwindling list, and wrote back the following which I have reformatted to make it look like the poem that it already was:

The horizon is clear
All other ships have passed out of view
Leaving behind only their wakes
Which gently rock our own small vessel
Up and down, up and down

In other words I'm not looking back at what might have been, I'm looking forward to a limitless horizon, and at some God-determined point, more ships will sail into view and out again, and one will stay around, having been appointed the same course as mine.


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