Friday, June 24, 2005

Some worm writer has just earned a punch in the teeth

News Story

I finally blogged about a real life news story! Now I feel all political like LaBosseuse over there. But I'm not cause this news story actually involves me personally.

Last night I ate at Champps which is a nice sports bar - food is overpriced but you are paying for the big screen TVs which is fantastic. I ended up waiting inside for a half hour for some guys who were waiting outside for a half hour for me. I ended up eating 5 dollars worth of nachos and drinking 3 dollars worth of root beer before they showed up. Then I had a cheese steak and a beer. Our waiter was new, but not wholly incompetent. Just obviously new. When he brought us the check we asked him to split it up, and he did but came back with the news that my Visa had come back "Denied". A little embarassing, for those who have not had it happen to them. Made even more embarassing when the waiter said "oh that's happened to me on several occasions! I mean one time I missed a payment and..."

Right, bucko - sorry, DEREK - this is a debit card, not a credit card, and unlike your scrawny un-salaried scruffy-necked self, I do not "miss payments". Mainly because there are none but also because I am financially responsible and stable. Pause for God-with-a-sense-of-humor fiscal catastrophe to strike Ryan. anyhow I had to borrow ten bucks from a friend (thanks alex - no fair charging interest!).

So this morning I called my bank in an effort to straighten things out and I was told about the information contained in the preceding story. I hung up the phone and yelled some unfortunate things about the writer of said worm. Mainly that I wanted to punch him. In the teeth. that gosh darned sonofagun little...GUY! But one day I will meet him and punch him in the teeth. Probably by accident.


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