Monday, July 18, 2005

The Big Day

Today I go in for my ACL reconsctruction surgery. I trust God and the surgeon totally in this, and I'm kind of looking forward to it. The surgery is scheduled for noon, but because I am not the first case of the day, delays in earlier surgeries could push mine back. By about five o'clock this afternoon, I will be ready to be discharged, but due to the earlier complications with my blood clotting, they will probably keep me for observation. I don't expect any difficulties, though, so I should be just chillin' out at the hospital for a day or so.

Spent the weekend in beautiful muggy Vermont at a most wonderful wedding service. I spent so much time with such good friends doing such amazing things. God really blessed that weekend. Ben and Jen Allums are growing quite nicely into their married life, truly becoming a mother and father to our little group of single college kids. They had their own house to stay in during the weekend, and Ben chauffered some of the guys around while Jen hovered by Amy deflecting all questions and concerns away from the blissful bride. By the end of the weekend Ben and Jen had even given some sage advice from one "veteran" married couple to the newlyweds!

The rest of the group was in top form as well - five beautiful bridesmaids, and five wacky groomsmen. Paul Petersen, an old trombone buddy, is taking to his engineering job like a fish to water (ironically enough he works in piping so the water reference is appropo, though pipes are not the best place for fish) and John Dixon is looking for a graduate school where he can earn his doctorate and become a college professor. Following in his father's footsteps (but not exactly). Between John, Paul, Ben and I, we made quite the travelling team, spending quite a lot of time together. John and Paul stayed in my hotel room Friday and Saturday night, so often when the party was breaking up and it was time for us to regroup at the hotel, I would call out "John, Paul, George, Ringo, let's go!"

We especially enjoyed the Ben & Jerry's factory tour and ice cream sample. Dublin Mudslide is your new favorite flavor - it contains actual Irish Creme liqueur. It's the staff favorite. Those two sentences are not unrelated.

Back to the surgery - I will have to be off my feet for a week or two, but several things have been put in place that will be a comfort during this time. First, I have signed up for Netflix so the movies will be delivered to my door constantly throughout the weeks. Also, my brother went to B&N on Saturday and picked up my copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. That should be finished by the end of the week, and all my friends are lining up to read it after me.

My real-estate agent has set up a search for me that pulls in houses from the MLS listings that match certain criteria and then e-mails them to me. Nothing is jumping out yet, but there are some solid options that will be worth seeing after I get out of bed. I think buying a house is going to be totally cool.

Alright, I have to be at the hospital in an hour - time for breakfast and a shower! Good day all, and God bless!


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish you the best of luck with your surgery! you will be in my thoughts during your recovery :)


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