Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Game over

Shara Werner deserves my public apology. She is way too awesome for words, and far too nice to be as furious at me as I truly deserve, but she deserves an apology from me anyhow.

Actually a lot of people deserve an apology from me. Well no actually only a couple people deserve an apology. The rest of you I'm not a bit sorry for what I'm about to say because it is uproariously funny to me and if you have a sense of humor then you don't need an apology from me.

I am not marrying Kim Hacker. Not now and probably not ever. Everything that I said about admiring her was true in every possible way, and she is a fabulous person, and I hope that you will continue to visit her blog. It is also true that we have no romantic feelings for her, but that I have learned much from her about some far more important foundations for marriage. She does have the biggest heart of anyone that I know. And she is going to make some man forget about all the other women he has ever met.

Having said all that, I almost can't believe that I'm not marrying her, since she is plainly so fantastic. But I am not. It was all just another internet hoax developed by both of us for our own personal amusement. We've had a blast watching all the comments and internet attention roll in, and we appreciate the congratulations and well-wishes of everyone, but that's a wrap folks! The jig is up, the game is over, the cat is out of the bag.

I promise that when I get engaged, I will endeavour to find a far more personalized way of announcing it than on my blog. And it will be to someone that you all know and love and are well aware that I'm starry-eyed over. Because I will probably talk about her on my blog and to all of you all the time. I am not that subtle with my feelings. I wish I could boldly enter into a blissful union with a woman without any regard to emotional attraction, but I am not strong enough for that. So until then, Kim Hacker must remain a prize for a better man.

But oh MAN were you guys funny to watch! Joke's on you! Don't be mad, it happens to everyone! It's happened to me, I'm just passing it on. Learn to laugh at yourself or you will have one tough life folks.

Just another warning: don't believe ANYTHING you read on the internet.


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicely played

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i almost wish that i had been in town the last few days so as to have fallen prey to the hoax. alas, i came in too late. please accept my belated best wishes and then my indignant retraction of said wishes.

At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so we're clear... you've had your wedding congratulation, now. Don't go looking for more.

Hatred, man, hatred. But well played.

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should write a post about why you wish you could marry someone without paying attention to emotions.

I bet it would be interesting to read.



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