Thursday, July 14, 2005

I am not wearing a shirt

Waiting for clothes to dry so I can take a shower and put them on...woke up at 11 today and have felt totally blagh all day.

tonight is the night I say goodbye to my father and brother. Tomorrow night they are going to leave on a bus to drive to the airport to fly out to Belize for a weeklong missions trip. Tomorrow morning I am leaving to drive to the airport to fly to Vermont for a weekend-long wedding. So tonight I will say goodbye. I think we're gonna watch Dodgeball on DVD.

I signed up for Netflix - Garden State, Dodgeball, and Be Cool all showed up in the mail on Tuesday. I have 15 more movies waiting in my queue as soon as I sent these back.

Today I have to go to the mall to buy some new black pants as my old ones are torn beyond repair.

The next time I blog will probably be the last time that I blog before my surgery Monday morning. I'll try to get on here Sunday night.

Love and blessings to all - have a great weekend!


At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, ok, so I'm the lame friend who responds to your blog two weeks after you posted it, but hey, better late than never! How did you like Garden State? I saw it for the first time about two weeks ago. Although cras at times, I found it a great portrait of postmodernism--we have to face the world without our sedatives but how do we do that? That's a great question and perfect segway for Christians to present the Gospel!


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