Friday, July 01, 2005

A small annoucement

LaBosseuse is gonna kill me for posting this while she's gone...but that's ok, Suzanne is no longer the most important woman on my blog!

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet Miss Kim Hacker, soon to be Mrs. Kimberly Westcott. If any of you know Kim, you know what I mean when I say that she has an absolutely enormous heart that is devoted to loving God. She also uses this wonderful capacity for love in taking care of a number of children, most recently several foster kids who she took in to her home for several days. You can read all about her escapades with the little dears at her blog:

I have just been so absolutely impressed with Kim's generous love for these children and for the Lord, and I honestly feel like I can benefit from being around that kind of love. I only hope that I will be able to match her unselfish and caring ways. It is for these reasons that Kim and I have decided to get married. She is thankful to have someone to support her in her work, which while it is rewarding and needed, also asks quite a bit from her spiritually and emotionally. I believe that with this firm foundation our marriage will be a solid one. We have both agreed that we do not "like" each other in the sense that so many young infatutated couples seem to be so keen on using, but these shallow feelings are not the basis of a lasting relationship. Our affection for each other can only grow as we draw closer to one another.

<--the lovely Kim with Kory, one of the children she nannied for last summer

Given that our relationship has grown a great deal over the internet (our only means of keeping in contact after I moved away from Grove City), and recent computer-related events have solidified our relationship, we want to acknowledge the use of technology in our wedding ceremony, but we also recognize the importance of not having a quick cheap service with the justice of the peace. For this reason we will be holding a traditional ceremony, but also broadcasting the entire wedding day over a webcam feed that will be linked in both of our blogs on the happy day! This way we can invite all our blog readers to participate with us even if you cannot make it to her church in Pennsylvania, where the wedding will be held.

Katie will be the maid of honor, and a dear mutual friend named Aaron Santavicca will also be in the wedding party, but we have not made any further arrangements beyond that. We do intend to have quite a large wedding party in order to ensure that no one will be left out. We would like to make this wedding an even bigger event than the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes farce that will undoubtedly take place in the near future, so please help us and show your support for faithful Christian marriages and not Hollywood publicity stunts!

I am so happy today! Only yesterday I posted on my blog game that I hoped to not be single forever, and today it has come true! (her answer to my game is also quite telling, I think - she is going to make such a wonderful bride!)


At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liking part reminds me of how arranged marriages can be really successful.

Where are you going to live?

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ryan, we haven't discussed that! Where are we going to live? :)

At 3:11 PM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

Well perhaps we can discuss that in not such a public forum, but I had assumed we would live near Johnathan and your other foster children...

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Phew ... I'm glad you made that assumption. :) By the way, I won't discuss anything else in this manner. (Do you know who the anonymous comment was from?)

At 11:02 PM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

I don't know - Anonymous, who are you?

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seung Mina.

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, I go on vacation a couple of days, and people get engaged on me! (thanks must go out to Seung Mina to pointing me to this *laughs*).

Anyways, Congrats on the engagement, and I wish you both the best of luck. And where in PA are you guys getting married?

-Chris Slazinski


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