Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Every man needs a hobby

I have several hobbies. I play bass.

This is my bass (thanks to for the picture).

I know you don't all know a lot about bass playing, but let me assure you that this is not a high-quality bass. First of all, the neck is shorter than most basses. See the place on the neck where there are two dots? That's fret number 12. If you count up, you will find that my bass has only 20 or 21 usable frets. Most basses have at least 24. Additionally, you will notice, under the strings in the white section of the bass body, only one lonely little pickup. Most of your good basses are going to have at least two of these, and they will look quite different, because they are more complex. The pickup is what turns the physical motion of the string into the electrical signal that can be sent to an amplifier. So a good pickup is essential in translating what you play into what others hear.

Soooo I am looking for another good bass. I have bounced around and considered several, but for now I have settled down to two options. First we have a bass by the same company, but really getting into their good quality stuff.

The Fender American Standard Precision Bass. This was the first electric bass ever made, and they have updated it and improved it every year for about the past forty years. See the longer neck and the more complex pickup? Yes, good, you're learning!

And now, the real dream boat. My baby. The beginning stages of really getting a super-expensive bass. The one I own is worth around $150. The new Fender would cost me $400. This bass is the cheapest one available from a company that makes only basses, and it would cost $1200 direct from the factory. Behold, the Warwick Corvette:With an absolutely beautiful and very heavy wooden body, a smooth long neck, and the best tone I've ever heard from a bass, this thing is a musical instrument on par with the best. If my current bass is a '92 Ford Escort, the Fender Precision Bass is top-end Volkswagen Jetta or Mazda 6, and the Warwick a Corvette. But not one of the newer ones, no - more like a 1978 muscle car gorgeous one.

If any of you missed my birthday, there's a Guitar Center on Broad Street in Richmond, VA that sells the Corvette for $900. I've played it there, and it's beautiful.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Suz said...

Wow. Those are some beautiful babies! Too bad I don't have $900 floating around...let me check my mattress.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$900 oh yeah, sure, lemme go sell my right kidney. that base definitely looks worth it. my boyfriend would likely drool all over it and die if he knew it was available for only $900. shame he doesn't have that kind of money either.

aren't you supposed to be a well paid teacher or something? surely you can afford that :-p

At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I totally have $900 to drop on musical instruments for other people. Heh. It is gorgeous though.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

I am a well-paid teacher...but I'm saving for a house. That bass is like a month's house payment. Or more.

But it will sing at the gentlest touch of the fingers. It makes me want to cry it's so beautiful.


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