Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sean Connery called...

He wants his Russian Navy back. British robot rescue vehicle saves Russian rescue sub trapped by fishing net.

"This reminds me of the heady days of Yuri Gagarin, when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. Now they will tremble again, at the sound of our silence!"

Eerie parallel between Connery's quote as Russian sub captain Marko Ramius in the movie version of Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red October" and the note in the CNN article about a previous Russian sub that sank because the Russians did not want to ask for international aid - silence of a different sort, but chilling to think that such a stereotypically nationalist attitude has actually resulted in so many deaths - 118, according to the article. It seems like the sort of thing that someone would do in a movie - not necessarily a Russian, but you can see the shot now: a crowded war room, a table surrounded by advisors political and military. The naval commander stresses the urgency of rescuing the sub, the men, and the nuclear weapons and reactor aboard. The Defense Minister agrees, but the Foreign Minister does not want to appear weak in front of other nations. Additionally, the Military Intelligence Advisor reminds the Prime Minister that military secrets are at stake if a foreign nation is allowed to get close to the sub...the tension mounts, and depending on whether the hero of our movie is the captian of the trapped sub or the captain of the foreign rescue sub, the Prime Minister will hand down a forceful decision on one side of the issues or the other.

In other news - I left the house for a reason other than physical therapy today - the first time since the surgery - I went to church! It was wonderful to see all the friends who had been praying for me and to hear the preaching of God's Word once again - and to sing hymns and pray with my fellow believers.

And finally: Happy Anniversary LaBosseuse!


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