Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Today is my birthday

Yesterday I went to my brother's girlfriend's house, with him, to help her pack and prepare to move to college today. Then we stayed up all night watching movies: Hopscotch, Mask of Zorro, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Hostage, Ocean's Twelve, and King Arthur.

I awoke just before noon today, stumbled down from the apartment above their detached two-car garage, and came into the house to find:

My brother is the sneakiest, most conniving weasly little son of a so-and-so ever. He had tricked me into revealing my favorite birthday breakfast two days ago, for the sake of having his girlfriend's mom make it for me. So today I dined on flaky biscuits with warm sausage gravy, and a helping of scrambled eggs. Not to mention several glasses of Tropicana Orange Juice. The thing is, she had never made this dish before, and had to look up a recipe on the internet - and yet it was delicious. And I never saw it coming. What an incredible surprise.

Students will be in my classroom two weeks from yesterday. I wonder if people who re-marry after divorce feel the kind of anxiety that I have to fix all the mistakes that I made last time around, and think that they know how to do everything perfect this time.

My ACL therapy is progressing rapidly - I have now foregone the leg brace entirely, and I have nearly full range of motion back in the knee - from full extension to 126 degrees of flexion (out of 135).

Do you have any recurring dreams? I don't think I do, but often people have really interesting ones and I'm curious!


At 6:12 PM, Blogger Suz said...

For years I had a recurring dream of doing the splits.


For the past year or so I've had a recurring dream of trying to pull gum out of my teeth, and having it not come out no matter how much I pull out...I've also had the same dream with pebbles.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

1. I used to have a recurring dream that I lived in a castle. You know how they always seem to have life-size paintings of knights in shining armor? Well, I'd be walking through the castle and one of the knights would come alive and start chasing me. Just as I'd arrive at safety in another room, ANOTHER painted person would jump out and start chasing me. That was scary.
2. I used to often have the dream that my teeth became loose and I began spitting them out. They just never stopped falling out. It was such a gross feeling and I would wake up utterly convinced that my teeth were all loose.
I know. I'm weird. And honest. Happy Birthday, Ryan!

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Happy Birthday!

2. I have had various recurring dreams since I was four. Most of them involve death, generally my own, and have from the very first one. I usually wake up very very scared and can't go back to sleep.

3. I totally had that same teeth falling out dream that Kim had!

At 11:01 PM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

my mom also has the teeth dream. bizarre.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a recurring dream that it is late morning or early afternoon and I realize that I was supposed to have gone to school to teach and I have completely forgotten to ... I wake up wondering why my principal hasn't called and what the kids must be up to!

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Lynna Brooke W. Sutherland said...

That's just like Nancy!


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