Monday, August 01, 2005

Welcome to August

My birthmonth has arrived and I haven't even thought anything about a party or what I even want for my birthday. Guess I'm getting old.

Spent six hours last night talking with my two closest friends, two guys from church. We watched Sling Blade and then stayed up until almost 2 talking about the past, the future, and the present. Friends that I thought I had grown apart from when we all went off to college, but it was good to be reminded that they haven't for a minute thought of me as anything less than a best friend. Looking back on it is quite heartwarming.

Biggest news item of the day I guess would be President Bush's appointment of a new ambassador. I'm going to assume that this is a typically Bush-ian move that is bold, will please conservatives, worry moderates, and upset liberals, but I really don't know a thing about the guy. I did hear what he said about "Partisan delaying tactics denying this man the up or down vote he deserved, so I have used my powers to..." basically bypass some stupidity in the Senate to get the job done, albeit six months later. Hm lemme find a link to someone with more information about it than I've got. CNN seems to have their act together, full of "RELATED" news links that would take any normal human...probably whole hours of searching the web to find this information. So pay them your respect by visiting and enjoying their hard work.

More people need to be visiting my Movie Wizard blog! The link is on the right, people. I'm here for you. I'm here to help you decide what movies to spend your time on. Don't waste the untapped depths of my talent! Or...opinionated...ness.

I will put up a new full-length movie review as soon as I eat dinner!


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