Thursday, August 11, 2005

While I waited for the doctor

Time Magazine had an interesting cover article this month...let me see if I can find a link to it for you...hold on...ok, got it! Actually, they want you to subscribe to their website in order to read the article...might as well head to your nearest doctor's office and pick it up instead, but find a way to read the article because it's actually really good.

Basically it's all about the debate between evolution and intelligent design, as to which one should be taught in today's classroom. I had to check the date on the magazine, because all of this is such old news to me. But then I realized that, while I've heard all the arguments on both sides of the debate, it is far from being resolved. This holds true for the nation at large, as well as in my own mind. I don't believe in evolution, and I never will. I think the debate between evolution and creation has been one of the big obstacles to people's ability to reconcile modern science with the Bible. Why science should disagree with Scriptures is beyond me, since both are different ways of looking at the same thing, but everyone seems to have it in their heads that science must be at odds with the Bible. The sticking point for me actually comes with a lot of other people who find ways to reconcile Scripture and Science - some of them make some serious compromises on both sides of the issue that I'm not comfortable with. But without making those compromises, I don't find a way to reconcile this issue. So I haven't resolved it for myself yet. But a good presentation of the four basic viewpoints on the issue can be found in the little aside column, which can be read in its entirety even by non-subscribers, by clicking HERE

I tend to side with the last guy, who is basically taking the point of view of "all scripture, no science" as opposed to some sort of compromise - I'm much more ready to assume that science will discover its mistakes than to wait for the Word of God to revise itself, I guess. I just wish that I saw a reasonable melding now. Anyhow, just thought it was interesting.

Another article in the same issue discusses the acting work of Andre Benjamin (aka Andre 3000 from Grammy-winning rap duo OutKast) who, unlike every other rapper breaking into the acting business, has actually taken the time to work on it, be responsible, show up to set for filming and actually be sober, etc. It warmed my heart, because I do like his work, and he is a strong contrast to so many other rapper-actors. It's been a bad trend and it's nice to see it change.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Suz said...

a very thoughtful post. I especially liked the visual imagery of waiting in the Dr's office as a picture of the transient human condition...wait who am I fooling I am lame but you are lamer. ;-)


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