Wednesday, October 19, 2005

If life were like the movies

Top 5 worst places to be, defined physical location:

1. Sub-level 3 of the atmospheric processing station of the colony on LV-426 (Aliens)
2. The Mines of Moria (Lord of the Rings)
3. Tatooine (Star Wars)
4. Troy (Troy)
5. New York City (any action movie without a good reason to take place somewhere else)

Top 5 worst places to be, undefined physical location:

1. Anywhere near the One Ring of Mordor (Lord of the Rings trilogy)
2. On any major vessel, ship, battle station, or outpost of the Galactic Empire, anytime after Luke Skywalker's 18th birthday (Star Wars)
3. The Matrix (The Matrix)

Top 5 worst jobs:

1. Ring-bearer (Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
2. Member of Ellen Ripley's crew (Alien Quadrilogy)
3. Sheriff of Nottingham

Help me finish these lists, then I'll post some more later!


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good OSG questions....



At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm. So this is totally a physical location, but I was thinking of inside a tripod from War of the Worlds.

I could be biased, though. Saw it at the Byrd and oh my goodness it was another one of those movies that did that thing to me afterwards where I'm all like "d00d" *shake*.


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