Friday, October 21, 2005

Once again

I step in to save your weekend:

Doom - A video game movie? starring the Rock? No self-respecting movie critic would recommend this movie to you. I think you should go see this movie. Actually Doom fans will find lots of things wrong with it and movie fans will not trade quality cinema for the nods to a cult video game franchise. This is what always happens with video game movies. They are worse than comic book movies. In fact the only thing worse than a video game movie is a movie video game. There has only ever been one video game based on a movie that was worth anything other than total CRAP and that was the original Batman for the NES 8-bit system. Old school or no school. But back to why I think this movie might be worth seeing - the first person perspective sections combined with intense non-stop fright sights will bring a fear level not felt in sci-fi since Alien. Which also used first person sequences to heighten its tension. But Doom will do that lots more. I am just interested to see if that is good enough to be worth the schlock that's sure to fill the rest of the movie.

Where the Truth Lies - I discussed this one last week, but that was just a limited opening, so now it is actually open. So now you should act upon whatever decision you came to after last week's recommendation

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang - Robert Downey, Jr. and Val Kilmer in a funny twist concept. Gonna be a hot one, folks. Not the kind they talk about at the water cooler tomorrow, but the kind you will be among an elite group of people who watch good movies if you watch this good movie. Not recommended for children under 18.

Shopgirl - I'm at a loss about this one, but mostly I trust Steve Martin. It could end up being like Punch Drunk Love or something where it's totally weird and inaccessible. But at least you can feel like an elitist for watching it.

Stay - dark and disturbing but in a real way, not a fantastical way - which makes it more upsetting and more powerful. Same director as Finding Neverland. Do with that what you will, I'm going to be too busy watching Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

There's your weekend setup, folks! Enjoy!


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Suz said...

KKBB looks funny. I look mistaken identity movies. The Rock movie looks dumb and I won't see it, but I must admit I detest the priggish self-satisfied damn you to Kala elitism that dictates that movie critics will bash it. Frigging snobs.

It's like, if it's independent it's automatically 'sensitive' and 'searing' and 'amazingly vulnerable' Belgh ick retch vomit.

When I listen to that self-important drivel I cough and retch qqcwxpy.


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