Friday, October 14, 2005

Public Service Announcement

Friday is the day that new movies arrive in theaters. Somewhere between a crystal ball and a magic 8-ball lie the following predictions:

Elizabethtown: I am automatically biased against all romantic comedies. It's the Y-chromosome talking, people. But in concept, the parallels to Garden State are jumping up and down in the front of my head, so it might be quirky enough to be unique and non-formulaic. But even if it's as good as Garden State, you could just go watch Garden State. I guess it depends on which actors you prefer. I tend to think that you saw the best of Orlando Bloom's romantic acting in Troy, where it was weak, pathetic, and the low point of a movie with many strong points but many more low points. And Kirsten Dunst is...special. But she's no Natalie Portman. I won't bother with this one, but I won't yell at you if you do.

Domino: Keira Knightley moves from strong female part to stronger female part (Pirates of the Carribean, King Arthur) and now to barely restrained tomman (like a tomboy but grown up). In fact, the real life bounty hunter that her character is named after is a militant lesbian who is pissed that they made her straight for the movie. But anyhow - lots of guns and a visual style that will make this one just unsettling enough to keep the bang-bang from getting bor-ing. Let's see if Keira hangs onto the edge of modesty here like she has in her other films (petticoats and rope warrior outfits, woohoo.)

Where the Truth Lies: I love a good mystery, and I like to see Kevin Bacon playing a creepy bad guy. What I don't like is all the sex that this mystery seems to revolve around Kevin Bacon having with Alison Lohman. I will avoid it. Ladies and married couples and such, feel free, I guess. It actually looks like, plot wise, it will be intense.

Good Night, and Good Luck: George Clooney writes, directs, and stars - the last time he did this was Confessions of a Dangerous Mind which was wonderfully twisted and put some great actors into some great uncommon roles. The subject matter seems old-school BORING but I bet it will be thrilling and climactic and powerful. One to see.

The Fog: Are there any movies so formulaic as horror movies and romantic comedies? It makes me worry that, since people continue to flock to these movies like sheep to a lyre, maybe my favorite movies are formulaic and overdone and predictable and obnoxious as well. I sure hope that's not possible. I will never recommend a horror movie for viewing, but apparently I'm not qualified to judge since I've never seen one. If you are a fan of horror movies, and you see the preview for this one and think it looks like a high-quality horror film instead of a low-quality one, then you should probably go see it. I bet you will like, totally pee your pants right at the end.

that's all folks! Same time next week!


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