Friday, December 30, 2005

Country Music and Romantic Comedies

Anyone who knows me well knows that in my attempt to focus on excellence and creativity in the art and literature I enjoy, I have nearly systematically neglected the twangy whiny music and the unbearable chick flicks. Let me tell you, everything they say about women making guys do crazy things is absolutely true. I spent 48 hours this week listening to country music and contemplating the crucial importance of romantic comedies.

See I visited my girlfriend this week. It was the first time in a year that I had seen her. It hasn't been a year that she's been my girlfriend, don't worry. But it was our first "face-time" in the three weeks of our relationship, so we were both looking forward to it. I set out Monday morning at 7 a.m. for the 7.5 hour drive to Hermitage, PA (one of the best cities on the planet). If anyone out there knows the song "Radar Love" by Golden Earring, that is what was running through my mind during the trip.

I arrived at her house at precisely 2:30 and she came out to greet me. After that I think we pretty much spent the next 48 hours hugging each other. We managed to watch three movies together, but I'll talk about those in my movie preview post that's coming next. We also did some shopping, played chess, drank Mocha Frappucinos (a tradition from our college days together), hung out with her family (her dad is hilarious and wise, her sister's adorable but edgy, and her mom is sweet and an amazing cook), and baked cookies together. But I think the predominant percentage of our time was spent hugging. I found another use for one-handed driving (besides cell-phoning and burger-eating). I found out what it's like to be one of "those couples" in the mall (and I LIKED IT). And I discovered why it's ok for a strict "movie buff" like me to go see a movie with no cinematic value at all: it frees up the eyes for returning the star-struck gaze of your sweetheart!

So that's why I appreciate romantic comedies more. As for the country music - it's her favorite, and I'm learning more about her by learning more about her music. I remember when I used to get in our family car after my brother had driven it to visit his girlfriend (only an hour north, the wimp) and it would be on the country station, and I would think how much she had changed him to get him listening to the stuff. Well, Ben, now it's happened to me.

Ok shhh this is a secret don't tell anyone but my girlfriend is ***this section of this blog has been de-published by the author*** So we greatly appreciated seeing the movie posters for this movie, complete with Kate Beckinsale's (obviously enhanced but) enchantingly beautiful blue eyes which fascinated both of us (they were like six inches across on the giant cardboard image).

Anyhow my point is that this relationship is really starting to affect me, and I'm really enjoying noticing the changes it brings. Like eating salad and liking it (bleu cheese dressing is the key). Like having a fashion consultant and actually agreeing with her. Like watching those TV shows 7th Heaven or Gilmore Girls and discovering they're actually good and worthwhile. having a girlfriend.

She's got a blog now, folks...right here.
Get to know her, you just might like her.

And if you do, well...hands off.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

Awwwwwww, Thanks sweetie!

ok and if you have any more corrections to make, make them by e-mail so that when I fix them, your comments don't suddenly become meaningless to all my other readers!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Suz said...

*gag retch plueck cough cough*

Your comments sections are different than they used to be. What happened to all the clever jibes and witty put-downs? ;-)

I see I've been away too long. Donna, it's your job to be sweet and supportive...let me remind Ryan how zqinxxic him and his blog really are.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

dear 'bo - all the wit clearly left when you did, since you are the source of all things that meet your standard of wit.

donna and I were completely vefupmo until you came back :P


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