Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Christmas List

Here's what I want for Christmas. Feel free to not get it for me.

1. Any CD by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Any CD by Cake
3. The Alien Quadrilogy Collector's Edition DVD Boxed Set
4. Radio Alarm Clock
5. Warm Hat
6. Warm Gloves
7. Warm Long Coat (wool)
8. Digital Camera (ask me for a specific one before you waste your money on one that doesn't have the features I want)
9. Cell Phone (after I choose an appropriate plan and a good phone, I'd just want someone to pick up the cost of the really nice phone...I'd cover the monthly bills ;))
10. Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual) - Edition 3.5
11. World of Darkness Core Rulebooks (World of Darkness, Mage: The Awakening, Vampire: The Requiem, and Werewolf: The Forsaken) - Edition 2.0
12. Whatever my girlfriend got me for Christmas (This has already been boughten, don't worry about it)

That about covers it. I know it's a little late. I just have trouble finding specific things to put on the list every year, so this year I wanted to try to write it all down and now I've got 12 things that I can point to and say that I want exactly that. Makes me feel good. Thanks for listening.


At 10:25 PM, Blogger FizxWestcott said...

hey nice to see you again Norrie! The first thing you say to me in two years and you're complaining about my use of a non-word in a completely informal and personal setting! Way to go!

no but seriously it's nice to hear from you again - welcome to my blog!


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