Saturday, January 21, 2006

Never trust a bunny

Unless they have green eyes...

Movies for your weekend!

Underworld Evolution: Sometimes my love of action movies, comic book movies, kung fu movies, or other emotional attachment makes me enjoy a movie even when it's not a good movie. This might have been the case with the first Underworld movie, I really can't be sure. I used to own it on DVD but then I gave it away, so I can't go back and evaluate it really well. But it was a blast of a time. Not terribly thorough about being true to whatever truth there is in vampire and werewolf myths, but they do create quite a striking universe in which to place their action. If you liked the first one, the second will be even better. If you thought the first one was total tripe, you'll probably say the same thing about this one. I'm gonna see it, that's for darn sure.

The New World: FINALLY. I've been seeing previews for this movie since...I dunno, April of last year? Who knows. I just know that forever I've been seeing this preview and waiting for the latest guilt-ridden "Native American" glorifying, white-man-bashing retelling of Virginia's early history to flash across our screens and make everyone think it's a "more sensitive portrayal - really explores the issues from their point of view" blah blah blah. Look I'm sure we did mistreat the aboriginal american tribes when we landed here. But I'm SO SICK of seeing movies that punish us for it again and again. I think Disney's Pocahontas spoiled it for me, so maybe I should go see this one cause it might redeem the whole idea. But I'm pretty sure it's just gonna make me mad.

Transamerica: This movie makes a big focus out of an issue guaranteed to make a lot of people feel uncomfortable and apply to very few of them. No one should hate transsexuals or reject their lifestyle as unimportant, but no one should pretend that it's so relevant they want to see this movie and feel like a social Good Samaritan for doing it. If you're interested in what life is like for someone in this country who lives this lifestyle, go see it. Otherwise, count me out.

Why We Fight: America is bad and too militaristic and it's been going on for years and all we want to do is conquer the whole world or at least have the most powerful army. If you agree with this statement you will agree with this movie. If you disagree, you will be powerfully presented an opposing viewpoint by this movie. Which is often a good thing. If you're into thinking deeply about global issues this movie will give you ample opportunity to do just that.


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