Monday, January 16, 2006

Sorry, I was BUSY!

Woke up at 5:00 Friday and spent the whole morning packing and then drove to work. Left straight from work and drove to Connecticut. Arrived at 1:00 am. Friday officially over. Also no computer access and a wedding in 10 hours. Needed sleep. So yeah I didn't preview Friday's movies for you. Let's see what you could've gone to see...

Tristan and Isolde - mixed feelings about this one just because I almost never like the way movies handle romance, however Ridley Scott is good stuff for action so the fight sequences oughta be awesome and I think the legendary medievalness of it all should lend some magic to the romance. Not gonna pay for it but I'll probably wish I had and get it on my Netflix queue

Glory Road - I don't watch sports movies unless I watch them with my dad, but when I do I'm always glad I did - this will be no exception. The basketball will be great (if a little too athletic for the time period?) and the story will be heartwarming. Also the humor that is unavoidable in these sort of things.

Last Holiday - guess what you've seen all the funny parts. Thinking she's at the end of her life this lady is going to do all these uninhibited things so she does some extreme sports, falls in love, eats weird food, spends all her money, blah blah blah blah blah. Same joke we've seen before, and it's gonna get repetitive in this movie, too. And twenty bucks says she doesn't even really die at the end. Oh sorry, did I spoil that for you? My bad. But then, if you couldn't see that coming, you've never watched a movie before, so what did I really ruin for you anyway?

Hoodwinked - these kids movies keep getting better and better for the non-kids out there. When they started making them CG, I think the humor and story lines bumped up a notch, too - contrary to what other critics will say, that special effects are worthless and add nothing to a story, it may just be the case that the two are related in some way. Anyhow this looks like it's going to be HILARIOUS. Just two scenes from the trailer and they always kill me - my girlfriend and I are talking on the phone during my drive back yesterday and all I said was "Dee-nah-mee-tay!" and we both just died laughing. It was funnier than Champ Bailey getting whiplash on the 1 yard-line Saturday night. Ok go watch some football, you'll like it I promise.

Have a nice day folks, I'm off to watch anime!


At 7:44 PM, Blogger Suz said...

You know what movie I LOVED, though I'd not let Jamie see it? Mrs. Henderson Presents. Loved. Loved. Laughed a lot. Cried a little. And NAKED GIRLS?!?!? There were so many that I spilled my oibknh all over my front!!!!


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